In restoration of the Suspension Bridge Alves Lima, located in the city of Chavantes/SP, it was performed a structural recovery including activities of exchange and reuse of existing timber and metal elements, protection steel cables, among, others. The transverse beams of the bridge, consisting in timber elements juxtaposed and connected by metallic plates and screws, presented low stiffness, which caused the high bridge transversal deformability in the heavy traffic. Thus, laboratory tests have been development by physical models with reduced dimensions in order to evaluate the behavior of timber elements in many cases. A better efficiency was observed with the use of epoxy resin together with the original connection between the timber components. After laboratory activities and in-situ applications, load tests were performed to measure the deformations and verified proper performance of the bridge.
OLIVEIRA, Ivanisio de Lima; BRESSAN, Diego Lapolli; GUIRARDI, Daniel Mariani. Restauração da ponte pênsil Alves Lima: uma abordagem sobre ligações de elementos de madeira justapostos. In: CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL SOBRE PATOLOGIA Y RECUPERACIÓN DE ESTRUCTURAS, 9., 2013, João Pessoa. Anais…
In restoration of the Suspension Bridge Alves Lima, located in the city of Chavantes/SP, it was performed a structural recovery including activities of exchange and reuse of existing timber and metal elements, protection steel cables, among, others. The transverse beams of the bridge, consisting in timber elements juxtaposed and connected by metallic plates and screws, presented low stiffness, which caused the high bridge transversal deformability in the heavy traffic. Thus, laboratory tests have been development by physical models with reduced dimensions in order to evaluate the behavior of timber elements in many cases. A better efficiency was observed with the use of epoxy resin together with the original connection between the timber components. After laboratory activities and in-situ applications, load tests were performed to measure the deformations and verified proper performance of the bridge.
OLIVEIRA, Ivanisio de Lima; BRESSAN, Diego Lapolli; GUIRARDI, Daniel Mariani. Restauração da ponte pênsil Alves Lima: uma abordagem sobre ligações de elementos de madeira justapostos. In: CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL SOBRE PATOLOGIA Y RECUPERACIÓN DE ESTRUCTURAS, 9., 2013, João Pessoa. Anais…