Reflexões sobre o zoneamento ecológico-econômico no Brasil


These text addresses the obstacles that the ecological-economic zoning (EEZ) as an instrument of the environmental policy for the Brazilian territorial planning. The EEZ is an instrument implemented by the National Environmental Policy and since 1981 it has been requested as a tool to assist the delimitation of territorial planning proposals of different areas in Brazil. Important considerations for the discussion of the development of the EEZ are the nomenclature of the instrument; the methodological guidelines of elaboration; the methodology for preparing proposals; and the final proposals for EEZs. With regard to these four reflections, it is understood that the EEZ is unique instead of only regulated instrument when compared to other categories of zoning and the Methodological Guidelines delimited by the Ministry of the Environment can be considered simplistic when trying the elaboration of the instrument for different territories. The methodology has been applied with different techniques and parameters, serving as a scientific space for comprehensive and concise proposals, taking into account the principles of ZEE elaboration, the scale and applicability in the territory and the sociocultural approximation of the territory. The reflections presented in this paper reinforce the need for unfolding for academic and technical investigations in the scope of the implementation of the EEZ as an environmental public policy.

LOPES, Elfany Reis do Nascimento; SOUZA, José Carlos de; SOUZA, Jocy Ana Paixão de; PADOVANNI, Naia Godoy; ALBUQUERQUE FILHO, José Luiz; LOURENÇO, Roberto Wagner. Reflexões sobre zoneamento ecológico-econômico no Brasil. In: SIMPÓSIO BERILEIRO DE GEOMÁTICA; 4., 2017, Presidente Prudente. Anais… p.155-160.

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