This paper describs the main aspects on the corrosion resistance of Nb and its alloys in acidic and alkaline aqueous solutions, in which Nb remains passive; in liquid metals and in oxidizing atmospheres. In some cases, corrosion resistance of Nb and its alloys was compared to that of other materials.
ALONSO, Neusa; TAKANO, Cyro. Resistência à corrosão do nióbio e suas ligas. In: SIMPÓSIO ANUAL DA ACADEMIA DE CIÊNCIAS DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO, 11.; 1986, São Paulo. Anais… São Paulo. 1986, p. 210-235.
This paper describs the main aspects on the corrosion resistance of Nb and its alloys in acidic and alkaline aqueous solutions, in which Nb remains passive; in liquid metals and in oxidizing atmospheres. In some cases, corrosion resistance of Nb and its alloys was compared to that of other materials.
ALONSO, Neusa; TAKANO, Cyro. Resistência à corrosão do nióbio e suas ligas. In: SIMPÓSIO ANUAL DA ACADEMIA DE CIÊNCIAS DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO, 11.; 1986, São Paulo. Anais… São Paulo. 1986, p. 210-235.