The global demand for renewable energy has been increasing over the past few years. Solar energy is a clean and abundant energy available, but their use is still limited because of high prices and low efficiency of photovoltaic cells. Bulk silicon, also called metallurgical grade silicon, has been the subject of many researches in its purification to a sufficient level for solar applications by cheaper processes than the conventional process, called Siemens Process. In this work, 3 kg of metallurgical grade silicon were melted by thermal plasma in an atmosphere of water vapor, hydrogen and argon. The boron content was reduced from 10 ppm to 0.09 ppm 18,000s (5 hours), showing that the process could be a viable alternative to traditional expensive process by chemical route
LOTTO, André Alexandrino; FERREIRA NETO, João Batista. Remoção de boro de silício por tratamento a plasma. In: CONGRESSO ANUAL DA ABM, INTERNACIONAL, 69., 2014, jul., São Paulo. Anais eletrônicos… São Paulo: ABM, 2014. Disponível em:<http://www.abmbrasil.com.br/anais>. Acessado em 19 de ago., 2014. 4 p.
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The global demand for renewable energy has been increasing over the past few years. Solar energy is a clean and abundant energy available, but their use is still limited because of high prices and low efficiency of photovoltaic cells. Bulk silicon, also called metallurgical grade silicon, has been the subject of many researches in its purification to a sufficient level for solar applications by cheaper processes than the conventional process, called Siemens Process. In this work, 3 kg of metallurgical grade silicon were melted by thermal plasma in an atmosphere of water vapor, hydrogen and argon. The boron content was reduced from 10 ppm to 0.09 ppm 18,000s (5 hours), showing that the process could be a viable alternative to traditional expensive process by chemical route
LOTTO, André Alexandrino; FERREIRA NETO, João Batista. Remoção de boro de silício por tratamento a plasma. In: CONGRESSO ANUAL DA ABM, INTERNACIONAL, 69., 2014, jul., São Paulo. Anais eletrônicos… São Paulo: ABM, 2014. Disponível em:<http://www.abmbrasil.com.br/anais>. Acessado em 19 de ago., 2014. 4 p.
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