Selection of building technology based on sustainability requirements: Brazilian context


The Brazilian building sector does not have an organized and reliable database of sustainability indicators based on LCA – life-cycle assessment – that would allow for a comprehensive sustainability assessment of buildings. The aim of this research is to propose requirements and parameters to assist designers in taking into account sustainable performance, with respect to ISO 21.921–1:2011 concepts, when selecting a building technology, for those situations in which an organized LCA database does not exist. The proposal also exemplifies an application of the sustainability requirements using the compensatory techniques of multi-criteria decision analysis. In addition, the paper discusses the identification of the stage of the building project in which technological selection must be conducted. Recommendations are based on a literature review of concepts, frameworks, methods and requirements of sustainability and on the consideration of sustainability requirements in building projects.

OLIVEIRA, Luciana Alves de; MELHADO, Silvio Burattino; VITTORINO, Fúlvio. Selection of building technology based on sustainability requirements: Brazilian context. Architectural Engineering and Design Management, v.10, n.3-4, 2014.

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