Process simulation applied to small businesses: case study


In Brazil its observed a high rate of company mortality, mainly of micro and small companies, which normally do not have financial and technical capabilities for production management. IPT developed, for that specific situation, a methodology to support micro, small and medium companies, searching solutions to improve production management, by identifying problems and developing solutions to them. This methodology was employed at a company specialized in garbage bag manufacturing, with two main objectives. The first one was production planning and control (PPC), by creating a specially developed spreadsheet for that case, with the intent of making standards and production control. The proposed improvements created initial conditions for the PPC concept and the company acquired better production control and data management. The second objective was to verify if a purchase of a cut and weld machine was an appropriate choice for the company’s desired productivity. To solve that problem simulation were performed, in 4 different scenarios. The best scenario indicated that a mill was a better choice for a purchase.

KATAYAMA, Mari Tomita; COELHO, João Carlos Martins; SEGUCHI, Henrique Juan Muramatsu. Simulação de processos aplicada às pequenas empresas: estudo de caso. In: SIMPÓSIO DE ENGENHARIA DE PRODUÇÃO, 25., 2018, Bauru. Anais… 12 p.

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