The evolution of the profile of bank branches infrastructure in four districts of the city of São Paulo


The way that people interact with banks has been changing all over the world in the past 20 years and these habits affect directly the purpose of the buildings designed to be the interface between the financial institutions and their customers. The purpose of this paper is to identify, understand and analyse the evolution of this infrastructure regarding quantity and size of these branches in four neighbourhoods of the largest metropolis in Brazil, São Paulo. This study also allows an analysis considering maintenance costs per square meter. The cost is applied in the total area of bank infrastructure per district to compare the variation of operational cost per year of the studied period.

ONETO, Mariana Araújo; SCABBIA, André Luiz Gonçalves. The evolution of the profile of bank branches infrastructure in four districts of the city of São Paulo. In: IABSE SYMPOSIUMON TRAWARDS A RESILIENT BUILD ENVIRONMENT, RISK AND ASSET MANAGEMENT, 2019., Guimarães, Portugal. Proceedings... 6 p.

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