Structural ceramic in functionally gradient.


The ai mis to present a structure from functionally gradiente material (FGM) to be used as a cutting tool Tereby, one part was developed with six layers on the bulk. The material used were aluminum oxide (Al2O3-ZrO2(3mol%Y2O3) and cemented carbide (WC-Co), so that alumina were graded with cemented carbide. The samples were performed by Spark Plasma Sintering machine (SPS) at 1300°C and 70 MPa. The relative density, microstructure analysis and flexural strength were evaluated; besides, thermal residual stress was predicted for designing the FGM structure and for explaining macroscopic defect. The FGM results showed residual stress prediction below that of the literature value of flexural strength, high density, lack of cracks and flexural strength value 66% higher than homogeneous ceramic.

CARNEIRO, Marcelo Bertolete; MACHADO, Izabel Fernanda; FREDERICCI, Cátia. Structural ceramic in functionally gradient. In: PLANSEE SEMINAR INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON REFRACTORY METALS AND HARD MATERIALS, 18., 2013, Reutte, Austria. Proceedigns…

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