Strong evidence of tempered martensite-to-nitrogen-expanded austenite transformation in CA-6NM steel


The present work reports Strong evidences of the transformation from tempered martensite to nitrogen-expanded austenite in low-temperature plasma nitrides CA-6NM martensitic stainless steel, which are supported by XRD, Kakhovskii constitution diagrams (SIMs profiles and WDS measurements) and microstructure analysis of the treated samples

ALLENSTEIN, A.N.; CARDOSO, R.P. ; MACHADO, K.D. ; WEBER, S. ; PEREIRA, K.M.P. ; SANTOS, Célia Aparecida Lino dos ; PANOSSIAN, Zehbour ; BUSCHINELLI, A.J.A. ; BRUNATTO, S.F. Strong evidence of tempered martensite-to-nitrogen-expanded austenite transformation in CA-6NM steel. Materials Science and Engineering A, v.552, p.569-572, 2012.

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