Hypoplasia and traces of lead in surface dental enamel: report of 2 cases


The presence of lead in the dental enamel chemical composition can generate hypoplasias, increase the risk of demineralization and caries. From an original group of 17 participants, the results of previous lead levels in healthy superface dental enamel and enamel affected by hypoplasia were determined and compared in 2 cases. In vivo superface dental enamel acid microbiopsies were performed, analyzed by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP OES) to determine phosphorus (P) and Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (GF AAS) to determine lead (Pb). Case 1: The P content in the acidic solution for healthy enamel was 25.200 mgP/L ± 0.200 and in the solution for hypoplasia it was 16.400 mgP/L ± 0.100. The lead level in the healthy enamel area was 20.02 ppm and 18.04 ppm in the hypoplasia área. Case 2: The P content in the acidic solution for healthy enamel was 35.800 mgP/L ± 0.300 and in the solution for hypoplasia it was 2.720 mgP/L ± 0.030. The level of lead in the healthy enamel area was 4.37 ppm and 236.69 ppm in the hypoplasia area. There was a statistically significant difference in relation to the phosphorus content and biopsy depth when comparing the means between the two cases of hypoplasia and healthy enamel in the origin group of the cases.

DOMINGUES, Cristinane Sabino Vianna de Oliveira; LUZ, Maciel Santos; PAPAI, Rodrigo; KATO, Melissa Thiemi. Hipoplasia e traços de chumbo no esmalte dentário superficial: relato de 2 casos. Journal of Multidisciplinary Dentistry, v.10, n.2, p.168-174, Aug., 2020.

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