Uso do XRF em amostras de solo da comunidade Ilha Diana, Santos, SP


The Diana Island community is located at the confluence of the Diana River with the Bertioga Canal and next about 2 km from the main channel of the Port of Santos. The project aimed to identify the main socio-environmental threats that the community is exposed, based on an integrated environmental and social analysis. Environmental and social parameters were analyzed, the environmental ones approached: river and island soil quality, Rio Diana water quality, fish and oysters quality; social topics included: health, infrastructure, transportation, education, communication. This article aims to show the results obtained in the soil of the community from the analysis of heavy metals, obtained with the XRF equipment. The results obtained with this method indicated the presence of heavy metals in the soil of the community, but more studies are necessary to quantify them according to the environmental legislation and to determine if the metals analyzed represent some risk to the community.

DEMARCO, Larissa Felicidade Werkhauser; BARBOSA, Alexandre Muselli; BLANCO, Marco Jorgino; FONSECA, Amanda Figueredo; TAKASE, Leonardo Silveira; JOÃO SOBRINHO, Luiza de Araújo; SALDIAS, Felipe Ian Strapasson. Uso do XRF em amostras de solo da comunidade Ilha Diana, Santos, SP. In: MACHADO, Felipe Santana; MOURA, Aloysio Souza de. Educação, meio ambiente e território 3. Ponta Grossa: Atena, 2019. v.3, Cap.7, p. 71-78.

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