The objective of this study is an accomplishment of a validation of the antenna factor used in the tests of radiated electromagnetic interference through a methodology that allows the measurement of the antenna factor, with other antennas calibrated. The results obtained indicate, through the method, that they present the criterion of acceptance established in this validation.
DIAS, Marcelo Sanches; MELLO, Wagner de Souza. Validação do fator da antena biconilog. In: PURIFICAÇÃO, Marcelo Máximo; MARCHI, Miriam Ines; AMADO, Nélia Maria Pontes (Orgs.). Ciências exatas e da terra: exploração e qualificação de diferentes tecnologias. Ponta Grossa: Atena,2020. Cap. 9, p.79-84.
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The objective of this study is an accomplishment of a validation of the antenna factor used in the tests of radiated electromagnetic interference through a methodology that allows the measurement of the antenna factor, with other antennas calibrated. The results obtained indicate, through the method, that they present the criterion of acceptance established in this validation.
DIAS, Marcelo Sanches; MELLO, Wagner de Souza. Validação do fator da antena biconilog. In: PURIFICAÇÃO, Marcelo Máximo; MARCHI, Miriam Ines; AMADO, Nélia Maria Pontes (Orgs.). Ciências exatas e da terra: exploração e qualificação de diferentes tecnologias. Ponta Grossa: Atena,2020. Cap. 9, p.79-84.
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