Packaging for physycal distribution and exportation (book chapter)


This book covers basic aspects of packaging and cargo technology, mainly physical distribution and exportation of goods.  The packaging technology does not exist by itself; it is a combination of technologies as applied materials technologies; the mechanics and electronics of the machines for manufacturing, formation, filling, and closing packages; the marketing techniques (which comprehends not only technical subjetcts but also cultural and aesthetic ones); the technologies that are related to Logistics and to the product to be packed  (the production line and some product characterics may be designed to use a desired kind of packaging); and the technology of designing and quality control of packaging. Contributing to the dynamic and systemic development of the designing technology and quality control of packaging for physical distribution is intended by this IPT publication. It is a result of IPT expertise on researching and developing, engineering and stardadization on packaging and cargo systemsthat has been accumulated duriing more than 30 years. One of the basis for this was the Graduate studies of some team members at Michigan State University – School of Packaging, from 1974 to 1978. Some other courses at north american, japanese and european universities were also attended. The Packaging and Cargo Systems Laboratory of IPT served the ONU agencies: Internation Trade Center (Geneva) and United Nations Industry Development Organization (Vienna). The ONU missions helped Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Cuba, Peru, Mozambique, Indonesia, Thailanda and Uganda. Since 1999, the experience is enhanced by Progex – Brazilian Technological Support to Exportation Programme; this laboratory was chosen as consultant regarding the suitability of packaging for export. This book was issued in a partnership agreement with Sebrae-SP – Brazilian Service for Supporting Micro and Small Companie. It was produced and revised by the researchers of the Packaging and Cargo Systems Laboratory (LEA), under  Center for Integrity of Structures and Equipment (CINTEQ) of IPT, and by researchers of the specialized laboratories of the applied packaging materials that are linked to other Centers of IPT in the field of materials technology. Noteworthy are the laboratories of polymeric materials, cellulosic materials, wood, metallography, corrosion and electroplating, textile, glass, besides IPT background structure in areas of information and standards, machinery and equipment, metrology, computation, systems analysis and economics, especially in logistic systems.

PICHLER, Ernesto Freire (Coord.) Embalagem para distribuição física e exportação. São Paulo : IPT, 2006. 164p. ( IPT Publicação 3003)

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