Dimensional metrology of fusion and segmentation of images (book chapter)


Many digital image processing works have emerged in recent decades in various fields. In industry and laboratories, we can highlight the application in the metrological area, where many equipments have the image of a specimen as an essential element to carry out any type of analysis or measurement. In this way, this work presents some results of dimensional measurement by fusion and segmentation of images. A technique for quantitatively estimating a characteristic of interest of an image obtained by an optical coordinate measuring machine is presented.

YAMANAKA, Douglas Mamoru; CASTANHO, Manuel Antônio Pires. Metrologia dimensional da fusão e da segmentação de imagens. In: PURIFICAÇÃO, Marcelo Máximo; MARCHI, Miriam Inês; AMADO, Nélia Maria Pontes (Orgs.) Ciências exatas e da terra: exploração e qualificação de diferentes tecnologias. Ponta Grosa: Atena, 2020. Cap.11, p.99-109.

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