Biotratamento de vinhaça sintética e geração de eletricidade utilizando uma célula a combustível microbiana (book chapter)


Brazil is one of the largest producers of ethanol in the world, however, during the process of obtaining ethanol, high quantities of vinasse are generated, on average, for each liter of ethanol produced, 13 liters of this residue is generated. Vinasse has physical and chemical properties that can trigger harmful effects on biota, so there is a growing interest in identifying new technologies for its treatment. The use of microbial fuel cells (CCMs) presents a very high potential, since it can simultaneously promote the treatment of this residue and the biogeneration of electric energy, by converting the available chemical energy in these biodegradable substrates and directly into electricity, by means of the action of electrogenic bacteria adhered to the electrode. In this context, the present study evaluated the use of a double chamber CCM in the treatment of synthetic vinasse. During the operation of this reactor, a maximum power density of 330 mW m-2 and a reduction in chemical oxygen demand (COD) was detected at 58.8% after 28 days. Considering these preliminary results, CCM technology may be considered promising in the treatment of vinasse, however, studies regarding the configuration, type of inoculum and forms of CCM operation are necessary to increase its efficiency.

OTTONI, Cristiane Angélica; SIMÕES, Marta Filipa; SANTOS, Jonas Gomes dos; PEIXOTO, Luciana; SOUZA, Rodrigo Fernando Brambilla de; OLIVEIRA NETO, Almir; BRITO, António Guerreiro de; MAIORANO, Alfredo Eduardo. Biotratamento de vinhaça sintética e geração de eletricidade utilizando uma célula a combustível microbiana. In: SANTOS, Alberdam Silva. Avanços científicos e tecnológicos em bioprocessos. Ponta Grossa: Athena Ed., 2018. Cap. 20, p.163-171.

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