A evolução da arquitetura escolar paulista e seu impacto nas condições de exposição ao ruído das salas de aula


In order to discuss how the evolution of school architecture from the state of São Paulo has impacted in acoustic comfort issues, this study adopts the following methods: the bibliographic review followed by a critical analysis. It was observed that during the late nineteenth century until the 1930’s, the classrooms placed on one side of the corridor was a strategy that favoured the internal sound quality because the noise transmission from one room to another did not happen directly, as in classrooms facing one another on the same corridor. From the 1960’s, with the compression of the administrative and educational sectors in a single block, acoustically sensitive areas such as classrooms and library became closer to areas where there is more noise generation, such as sports fields and recreational areas. In the early 2000’s, the concept of 2 classroom-school and park-school from the 1950’s is retaken, being acoustically favourable by moving away part of the noisy activities such as physical education classes, from the classrooms. In acoustical terms, the more separated the spaces with noisy activities are from the spaces for classrooms, the lower the noise intrusion probability in educational activities is. In the last decade, with the scarcity of land in cities and the need of compact buildings, there was the imposition of new requirements for school design that should not relegate issues like the intelligibility of speech and transmission of knowledge. The classrooms should have the best possible performance for those items. However, it was concluded that the architectural design of schools does not adopt beneficial acoustic solutions of previous periods and either employs them throughout its evolution. There is an oscillation between the adoption or not of acoustically appropriate solutions along the decades.


Ikeda, Cristina Yukari Kawakita. Ono, Rosario; Vittorino, Fúlvio . A evolução da arquitetura escolar paulista e seu impacto nas condições de exposição ao ruído das salas de aula. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE CONFORTO NO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 13., ENCONTRO LATINOAMERICANO DE CONFORTO NO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 9., São Carlos, 2015. Anais… 8 p.

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