A eficácia da adição do TiO2 em argamassas quanto à manutenção das condições iniciais em termos da sua refletância à radiação solar


The contact of facades with degradation agents and the direct incidence of ultraviolet radiation on the outer coating make these more opaque over the time losing, considerably, its reflectance. The study aimed to evaluate the possibility of using mortars containing TiO2 in facades aiming to keep its initial high reflectivity characteristics along with its low maintenance requirement. Besides, this study also approches the possibility of using the TiO2 enriched mortars as an alternative for the above mentioned envelope repaintings. This study was performed using an self-produced mortars containing diferents concentrations of TiO2 (1%, 5%, 10% calculations based on the total dry premix), added, as powder, to the mix and compared with mortars containing 0% of TiO2, with or without using white painting on its surfaces. Exposed for 16 months to climatic conditions of São Paulo, regarding the maintenance of reflectance, the results showed that White-painted mortars presented the best performance. With respect to TiO2 concentrations, it was observed an slight change between each other. The mortar which showed the best performance regarding self-efficient results with the increase to the material.

DANTAS, Sérgio Roberto Andrade; VITTORINO, Fúlvio. A eficácia da adição do TiO2 em argamassas quanto à manutenção das condições iniciais em termos da sua refletância à radiação solar. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE TECNOLOGIA DO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, Desafios e perspectivas da internacionalização da construção, 16., 2016, São Paulo. Anais… Porto Alegre: ANTAC, 2016. p. 137-147

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