This article aims to present the process developed in implementing a solution for technical courses vacancies prioritization based on the geolocation of the teaching institution of a high school student in the public school of São Paulo. The assignment on provides courses by one of the Economic Development Secretariat of the State of São Paulo is carried out through the use of opensource technologies, considering that the choices of the courses were prioritized by proximity of the school. During the registration period that followed the solution implementation, 129,642 new users and approximately 1.5 million page views were found, with the cost absorbed only by the software, without the need to contract third-party services. There where 28,182 assignments, 60% of which in courses given at institutions less than 5 kilometers from the students’ school
SILLES, Felipe Silva; KLEINE, Felipe Augusto de Souza.; GAVA, Vagner Luiz; SILVA, Celso Luciano Alves da; FERREIRA, Renan Vinicius; MELO, Kelsey Magalhães; LEAL, Adriano Galindo. Programa Novotec: utilização de tecnologias OpenSource para realização do cálculo da distância entre a escola de ensino médio do aluno e os locais com oferta de cursos profissionalizantes presenciais. In: WORKSHOP DE COMPUTAÇÃO APLICADA EM GOVERNO ELETRÔNICO, 9. , 2021, Florianópolis.(on-line) Anais eletrônicos… 8 p.
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This article aims to present the process developed in implementing a solution for technical courses vacancies prioritization based on the geolocation of the teaching institution of a high school student in the public school of São Paulo. The assignment on provides courses by one of the Economic Development Secretariat of the State of São Paulo is carried out through the use of opensource technologies, considering that the choices of the courses were prioritized by proximity of the school. During the registration period that followed the solution implementation, 129,642 new users and approximately 1.5 million page views were found, with the cost absorbed only by the software, without the need to contract third-party services. There where 28,182 assignments, 60% of which in courses given at institutions less than 5 kilometers from the students’ school
SILLES, Felipe Silva; KLEINE, Felipe Augusto de Souza.; GAVA, Vagner Luiz; SILVA, Celso Luciano Alves da; FERREIRA, Renan Vinicius; MELO, Kelsey Magalhães; LEAL, Adriano Galindo. Programa Novotec: utilização de tecnologias OpenSource para realização do cálculo da distância entre a escola de ensino médio do aluno e os locais com oferta de cursos profissionalizantes presenciais. In: WORKSHOP DE COMPUTAÇÃO APLICADA EM GOVERNO ELETRÔNICO, 9. , 2021, Florianópolis.(on-line) Anais eletrônicos… 8 p.
Access to the work presented on the Event website: