Mammalian cell culture technology (book chapter)

Mammalian cell culture technology has developed enormously over the past 30 years and has become an integral part of biotechnology, as it has emerged from the coalescence of several areas of knowledge such as biochemistry, cell biology, genetic engineering, protein chemistry, genomics and chemical engineering. This technology is based on the use of mammalian cell culture techniques in strictly controlled systems. It has been used for decades in the research and development of several biological products such as viral vaccines, recombinant proteins, monoclonal antibodies and, more recently, in cell and gene therapies. This in vitro culture system is also widely used in pharmacology and toxicology for the search for new drugs.

SANTOS, Patricia Barros dos; LÉO, Patricia; OLIVEIRA, Ricardo Pinheiro de Souza; STEPHANO, Marco Antonio. Mammalian cell culture technology. In: PESSOA, Adalberto; VITOLO, Michele; LONG, Paul Frederick. Pharmaceutical biotechnology: a focus on industrial application. Boca Rotan: CRC Press, 2021. Cap.12, p.195-224.

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