Optimized formulation of thermoresponsice nanoemulsion-based gel for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) application


A thermoresponsive system of a nanoemulsion-based gel with favorable characteristics to enhanced oil recovery (EOR) application is presented. A full factorial design study with different formulations of thermosensitive nanoemulsion-based gels was performed to assess the influence of the oil chain length, concentration of polyethylene glycol (PEG 400) and concentration of oil on the rheological behavior of the system. A formulation with low viscosity at room temperature and high viscosity at the temperature of the oil extraction well was presented. Hexane (6-carbon chain), capric acid (10-carbon chain) and isopropyl myristate (17-carbon chain) were used in concentrations of 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% wt%, also varying the concentration of PEG 400 in 0%, 3%, 6% and 9% wt%. The thermosensitive polymer used was a mixture of Pluronic ® F-127 and Pluronic ® F-68 6:1 wt% at 4.7% concentration. The surfactants used were Tween 80 and Span 80 (HLB = 13) at 20%. The formulation containing 20% isopropyl myristate (IPM) without the addition of PEG 400 showed a better response, with an increase in viscosity of more than 38 times in relation to its viscosity at 25 °C, and the maximum viscosity was reached at 53 °C. This is a promising formulation for EOR technology.

DALIBERA, Natália Cristina, ZANIN, Maria Helena Ambrosio; GUIMARÃES, Kleber Lanigra, OLIVEIRA, Leonardo Alencar de; OLIVEIRA, Adriano Marim de. Optimized formulation of thermoresponsice nanoemulsion-based gel for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) application. Applied Petrochemical Research, 9p., Mar., 2021.

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