Evaluation of noise generated by machines and household appliances and guidelines for its reduction

One of the basic needs for acoustic comfort in work, leisure or rest environments is the determination of noise levels originating from machines and household appliances. In work environments, these conditions should be analyzed according to applicable regulations such as NR15, ACGH and OSHA, which establish procedures and criteria for evaluating occupational noise exposure. In rest environments, such analyses should be done based on the NBR 10152 standard.

Noise emitted by industrial machinery is generally measured on site, in compliance with Brazilian and international standards, while noise from household appliances is determined in the laboratory, according to the regulations of the SILÊNCIO (Silence) Program, which instituted the mandatory “Selo Ruído” (Noise Label).

Studies to identify factors contributing to noise emissions from machines and household appliances are performed as needed, and proposals are made for alternatives to reduce these levels.

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