Evaluation and improvement of thermal comfort in buildings and work environments

Evaluations of thermal comfort in work environments can be of three kinds: heat overload, when health risks to workers exposed to intense heat are evaluated; cold overload, when health risks to workers exposed to very low temperatures are evaluated, and thermal comfort when environments without thermal overload but with possible localized discomfort are considered.

Information obtained by these evaluations enable the creation of satisfactory work conditions as far as thermal comfort is concerned, in conformity with several standards that regulate this subject, such as NR15, NR 17, ANSI/ASHRAE 50, ISO7730, ISO11079, ACGH and OSHA, among others.

These studies contribute not only to improve the quality of the working environment, and hence of productivity, but also allow the company to avoid possible legal actions against employers due to stressful conditions of heat or cold. In addition to evaluating the thermal comfort of buildings, IPT also prepares recommendations for improvements in buildings and their thermal conditioning system.

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