Evaluation of the performance of pallets, containers and cargo units
Just as packaging is important for the preservation of its contents, the types of cargo unitization and wrapping are important to maintain the integrity of the packaging. Safety in cargo handling operations, ever more mechanized, requires better control of components for handling and unitizing materials and also their fastening systems, such as staples and stitching, whose global performance must be evaluated. This ensures greater safety for operators, time and cost reductions in loading and unloading operations, and reduction of material losses.
Certain products or residues are distributed in bulk or semi-bulk form, such as grains and powders; in other cases, the unitization system is the actual packaging, as in the case of large volume products.
IPT is equipped to evaluate the performance of pallets, storage structures, rigid containers, flexible containers and slings. IPT’s competence to evaluate unitization elements, equipment and associated structures comes from the team’s experience and the availability of large-sized equipment, such as compression and traction actuators.
These large-sized components and packaging and cargo units with the real or simulated product are evaluated in accordance with international standards or procedures developed by the Institute, which involve aspects of static or dynamic mechanical performance (flexural loading under different conditions of support, shear, impact against fork-lift ends, compression, impermeability, dropping, lifting and fatigue), including climate preconditioning.