Technical opinions for tax classification of IT products

Tax classification of goods (Customs Code) is important not only to determine the tax rate involved in import and export operations and invoicing of industrial goods, but also especially for international trade, for purposes of statistical control and determination of administrative treatment requested for a given product.

The importer, exporter or manufacturer of a given product must, in principle, determine or have an expert determine the correct fiscal classification applicable. Therefore, he should be familiar with the Harmonized System for Designation and Coding of Goods and with the General Rules for Interpretation of the Harmonized System.

IPT prepares technical opinions for public institutions or private enterprise for tax classification of products and equipment for use in ICT (Information and Communication Technology) environments, such as equipment for data, video and voice transmission and reception, used in both computer networks and telephony.

Based on the clarification of the product’s application, the party requesting a technical opinion may indicate this application in the applicable Tax Classification of the Common External Tariff (TEC) or specific state government classifications, avoiding customs clearance problems.

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