IPT supports and actively participates in the national standardization forum, the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT). Manufacturers and new businesspersons in the footwear, leather, components, and PPE industries need support specific to their businesses from CB 11 – the Brazilian Committee on Leather and Footwear, and from CB 32 – the Brazilian Committee on Personal Protective Equipment. The Institute also works with other committees involved in specific topics: currently its technicians are coordinators of the Committee on the Study of Footwear for Professional Use and the Brazilian Subcommittee on Protective Gloves and Clothing, and also participate in several other study committees.
The Institute develops standards and technical specifications for raw materials and components generally requested by footwear and PPE manufacturers. It also develops standards and specifications for finished products such as footwear, leather goods and PPE requested by purchasing companies and institutions, including military corporations, electricity utilities, large buyers, government institutions, local governments, etc.
IPT’s technicians also have extensive experience in interpreting and dealing with international standards for automakers and the army, and technical specifications of large companies such as retail chains that import footwear.
The Institute develops standards and technical specifications for raw materials and components generally requested by footwear and PPE manufacturers. It also develops standards and specifications for finished products such as footwear, leather goods and PPE requested by purchasing companies and institutions, including military corporations, electricity utilities, large buyers, government institutions, local governments, etc.
IPT’s technicians also have extensive experience in interpreting and dealing with international standards for automakers and the army, and technical specifications of large companies such as retail chains that import footwear.