Indicators serve to simplify technical and scientific information to enable its transmission in synthetic form, improving communication about complex phenomena. This facilitates the use of information by managers, politicians, interest groups and the general public. Indicators can be used for different applications that need continuous follow-up, particularly the implementation of recovery plans for degraded areas or river basins, preparation of environmental situation reports (e.g., GEO City Reports) and follow-up of the performance of environmental management systems.
The environmental evaluation model used by IPT derives from the one proposed by UNEP (United Nations Environment Program), which enables continuous evaluation of the state of the environment based on the DPSIR (driving force-pressure-state-impact-response) model. Driving Force, i.e., human activity, produces Pressure on the environment that can affect its State, which may, in turn, Impact human health and ecosystems, eliciting Responses from society in the form of measures that can be directed to any part of the system.
IPT worked as technical partner with the Department of Nature and Environment (SVMA) of the Municipal Government of São Paulo, preparing the “GEO City of São Paulo: Panorama of the Urban Environment”, using environmental indicators. Within the context of the State Fund for Water Resources (FEHIDRO), IPT prepared the “Diagnosis of the Situation of Water Resources of the Rio Grande River Basin SP/MG” and developed the system of GEO Basin indicators, which was applied in pilot form to the Hydrographic Subregion Headwaters and Juqueri-Cantareira.
The environmental evaluation model used by IPT derives from the one proposed by UNEP (United Nations Environment Program), which enables continuous evaluation of the state of the environment based on the DPSIR (driving force-pressure-state-impact-response) model. Driving Force, i.e., human activity, produces Pressure on the environment that can affect its State, which may, in turn, Impact human health and ecosystems, eliciting Responses from society in the form of measures that can be directed to any part of the system.
IPT worked as technical partner with the Department of Nature and Environment (SVMA) of the Municipal Government of São Paulo, preparing the “GEO City of São Paulo: Panorama of the Urban Environment”, using environmental indicators. Within the context of the State Fund for Water Resources (FEHIDRO), IPT prepared the “Diagnosis of the Situation of Water Resources of the Rio Grande River Basin SP/MG” and developed the system of GEO Basin indicators, which was applied in pilot form to the Hydrographic Subregion Headwaters and Juqueri-Cantareira.