Evaluation of shoe and PPE compliance

In most countries, PPE – personal protective equipment – is subject to compulsory certification by a government agency. In Brazil, PPE certification is done by the Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE) through its product Approval Certificate (C.A.). The certificate is granted to manufacturers and importers based on the results of laboratory tests of the product.

IPT is accredited by MTE to conduct tests on protective footwear, gloves and clothing. The institute also assists companies with technical recommendations so that their products meet the requirements of national and international technical standards. The Institute is recognized internationally and its test reports are accepted in several countries. Furthermore, its technicians participate in and lead several ABNT committees to study protective footwear, gloves and clothing, aiming to develop national technical standards.

IPT also inspects batches of products such as dress shoes or PPE by sampling and lab tests or by auditing a company’s purchasing quality system.

Types of evaluations offered:
  • Evaluation of PPE to obtain the Certificate of Approval (C.A.) from the Ministry of Labor (our lab is accredited by MTE) – shoes: safety, protection, occupational, conductive, antistatic, and electricity insulating shoes, shoes for hazardous environments (cold and heat), waterproof boots, protective gloves against mechanical, chemical, biological, and thermal risks, protective clothing for welding and similar activities, protective apparel for mechanical hazards, waterproof clothing, raincoats, oversleeves, gaiters, and protective hoods.
  • Evaluation of products according to technical requirements established in technical standards, descriptions and specifications – services offered to manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, consumer protection organizations, individuals, and other interested parties.

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