Conformity evaluation of polymer materials and products

Companies in the various segments of plastics, rubber and composites require analyses and characterization tests for certification, to evaluate the conformity of their materials and products, or to compete in public tenders. IPT has laboratories, equipment and instruments calibrated to satisfy these requirements.

IPT’s technical team comprises PhDs, Masters and specialized technicians who perform tests and appropriate procedures in these areas, based on Brazilian and international technical standards. Technical reports that are issued list the methodology employed, conditions and results obtained, demonstrating the material’s or product’s conformity to the client’s specifications. In the absence of reference values, the Institute uses specific technical literature or standards as evaluation criteria.

Listed below are examples of activities in this area:
  • Inspection of plastic jars by attributes, according to the ABNT NBR sampling standard;
  • Technical evaluation of polymer materials for legal purposes and public tenders;
  • Evaluation of equipment used in the medical area;
  • Tests on nonsurgical gloves, surgical gloves and natural rubber gloves;
  • Technical evaluation of polymer products existing on the market for purposes of comparison.

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