IPT´s Laboratory for Corrosion and Protection has pioneered studies of atmospheric corrosion in Brazil. The first study began in 1974 with the project "Studies of the behavior of metallic materials in different types of atmospheres" funded by PROMOCET – Program of Science and Technology of São Paulo State. This project lasted 17 years, which allowed the training of the Laboratory in carrying out activities related to atmospheric corrosion, such as research & development projects; technological services; natural and industrial atmosphere characterization and classification and metallic material performance tests, both indoor and outdoor environments as well as offshore and onshore environments.
The Laboratory has a permanently atmospheric corrosion site installed at an urban zone of São Paulo city and an offshore floating laboratory (a catamaran type ship) installed at the São Sebastião canal. This lab allows performing tests both in marine atmosphere and at in splash zones. Immersion tests can also be performed in the floating laboratory.
The Laboratory has the entire infrastructure to install atmospheric corrosion sites under request aiming at the characterization of industrial environment, both outdoor and indoor, including storage sites for raw materials and finished products. In this sense, the Laboratory provides services to the local industries aiming at the corrosion mitigation during the storage, especially for finished products.
For characterization of outdoor atmospheric sites, the Laboratory follows ABNT 14643, ISO 9223 and ISO 9224. The following tests are performed for the characterization of atmospheric sites:
• Determination of sulfur dioxide deposition rate (ABNT NBR 6921; ISO 9225);
• Determination of chloride deposition rate (ABNT NBR 6211; ISO 9225);
• Time of wetness (ABNT NBR 15085; ASTM G 84);
• Determination of corrosion rates of metallic materials in atmospheres (ABNT NBR 6210; ABNT NBR 6209; ISO 9226).